17. Mai 2008

"Global Capitalism – Local Values"

17.05.08 - Heute ist das 38. St. Gallen Symposium zu Ende gegangen. Es haben sowohl 600 internationale Teilnehmende aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik, als auch Studierende aus 60 Nationen teilgenommen.

In den vergangenen zwei Tagen haben zum Thema "Global Capitalism – Local Values“ unter anderem Riz Khan, Christine Lagarde, Didier Lombard, Leslie Maasdorp, Dr. Rob Routs und Dr. Dieter Zetsche am Symposium referiert. Über die „Zukunft Energie: Lokale Lösungsansätze für globale Herausforderungen“ sprach Dr. Rob Routs. Michel Pébereau präsentierte seine Meinung über “Has the Financial Industry Become Truly Global?”. Sowohl Riz Khan, als auch Leslie Maasdorp äusserten sich zur „Nahrungsmittelkrise – Haben die globalen Märkte versagt?“ und Ministerin Christine Lagarde erörterte ihre Meinung zu “Can the State Build Bridges Between Local Values and Global Requirements?”

Das gesamte International Students’ Committee (ISC) und die ISC Support Crew, bestehend aus 260 Studierenden der Universität St. Gallen, bedanken sich bei den Teilnehmenden für den Weg, welchen Sie nach St. Gallen auf sich genommen haben.

"Global Capitalism – Local Values"

Y. C. Deveshwar
, on the Keynote Session: “Building Financial, Ecological and Social Capital”

“We have a challenge that 10 million people will be coming into the job market every year. So we need to provide to them sustainable livelihoods.”

“I am a believer in markets. We need to create a market for corporate social responsibility and corporate good conduct. “

Dr. Dieter Zetsche, on the Keynote Session: “All Business is ‘Glocal’ – The Future of the Automotive Industry”

“Similar to chess, every move a player makes has consequences for the other players in the world. But unlike in chess, your counterparts do not wait with their next move until you’ve made yours.”

“No customer will tolerate poorer quality or higher price, just because we missed the opportunity to do our job in the best way that is globally possible. So, the global optimisation of the value chain is a “must”.”

“In certain areas, when you hit the walls of localisation, you either have to back up, step on the gas, and hit those walls again – or you walk away from the business! That’s certainly the case when it comes to ethics.”

“If there’s one thing that can’t come in a variety of local “version”, it’s integrity.”

Prof. Dr. Gilbert Probst, on the Award Ceremony of the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award and Panel with the Awardees

“The real question is not whether free markets are good or bad. It’s why are they producing such widely different results in different countries?”

Christoph M. Paret (Winner of the Award), on the Award Ceremony of the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award and Panel with the Awardees:

“Die Spannung leben. Über die Widersprüchlichkeit von Kapitalimus und Demokratie”

„Im Kapitalismus hat der Kampf aller gegen alle die freundliche Form eines Kampfes aller um alle angenommen.“

„Das Motto des Kapitalismus lautet: wenn du anderen schadest, dann hast du selbst einen Schaden.“

Didier Lombard, on the Keynote Session: “Global Champions for Local Values”

“La crise des Subprimes est un exemple de l’interaction permamente qui existe dans le monde financier entre le local et le global.“

“Je m’étonne parfois de l’étonnement de certains devant le fait que des pays comme la Chine ou l’Inde qui dépassent tout deux le milliard d’habitants jouent un rôle croissant dans la marche du monde. N est-ce pas plutôt l’inverse qui serait étonnant?”

“Qu’il s’agisse de crises bancaires ou d’incompréhension entre banque et client, les dysfonctionnements de la sphere financière ont presque toujours pour origine le fait que les banques s’éloignent des réalités.”

“La banque n’a de sens que si elle est au service de l’économie réelle. Sa vocation est avant tout de gérer des risques.”

“Dans un monde qui change et où l’économie de globalise, les responsabilités de la sphere financière se sont élargies.”

“Si on veut rétablir [la confiance] sur les marchés, Il faudra de la rigueur dans la distribution des credits et de la titrisation, une autorégulation des organismes de rating, une réflexion sur les normes comptables et un renforcement de la regulation bancaire.”

“Nous n’avons pas souscrit de credits “Subprime” et il ne nous est pas paru raisonnable, n’en souscrivant pas, d’en collecter pour les vendre.”

Dr. Rob Routs, on the Keynote Session: “The Future of Energy: Local Blueprints for a Global Challenge”

“Scary headlines provide no solutions – no insides. And they put government under tremendous pressure to do something and most of us know what happens when governments are forced to simply do something – generally we wished they wouldn’t.”

“Energy security is seen as a zero sum game with winners and losers. A kind of energy nationalism breaks out if it’s not already there with nations spinning their hopes on locally produced coal and home grown biofuels.”

Ruben Vardanian, on the Keynote Panel: “Facing up to the Risks of Global Markets”

“Capitalism is a great system. It’s more efficient then any other. The problem with money – which is very unique – is that the value system has disappeared.”

Riz Khan, on the Keynote Session: “The Food Crisis – Have Global Commodity Markets Failed?”

“People tend to come with a particular perspective to media. And it’s important to get the full picture and that’s what’s often missing. People need to challenge what they see and need to challenge the news and question whether what they are getting is the full picture. “

“Is it that there is a food crisis or that we’re finally paying attention?”

“I worry: is it something that is going to be flavour of the month that we move on from, or is it that something that is going to be taken seriously?”

Leslie Maasdorp, on the Keynote Session: “The Food Crisis – Have Global Commodity Markets Failed?”

“Globalisation, without a doubt in my view, has had positive impacts on the world. However, in some markets, one cannot rely on the self correcting mechanisms of the market, but one should not throw out the baby with the bath water. “

“The agricultural derivatives and options market plays a very important role to enable farmers to know and enable farmers to have some insurance for what they are able to get for the goods in the future. “

“It is not so much the food; it is the food shortage in many countries [the reason why] food has become unaffordable. […] It is on the supply side of the food equation that intervention has to happen.”

Christine Lagarde, on the Keynote Session: “Can the State Build Bridges Between Local Values and Global Requirements”

“Globalisation has no centre anymore. As a result, each of us, each region, each set of values is, itself, a centre.”

“What economist refer to as vertical disintegration of production has rendered the “made in” label efforts almost useless: Where is it made in? It is made in the world.”

“While we might think that at a certain level the world is flat, I think it is also composed with many little hills or many little bubbles that are in bad need of being linked and connected with each other.”

“We are, in the main, motivated by fear, greed and love. And I believe that the state has a duty to operate at least at the fear and greed level.”

“[President Sarkozy] is clearly one who advocates G7 be not the G7 but more likely the G14 to really include all the representatives of the world in a comprehensive way […] The G7 is becoming a much smaller part of the world, and if we don’t pay attention, as president Sarkozy says, the other member will soon be having meetings outside the room, and we will have become irrelevant.”

“I would caution against those food banks, because that very much goes back to what we, the Europeans, were doing in the very very early stage of the common agricultural policy and I’m not sure that it is necessarily the right path and the right direction to take.”

“Agriculture and agrobusiness to a lesser extent are very special markets that require specific rules that do not necessarily operate on a pure free-market basis without regulations, without mechanisms to operate the right balance.”